
Friday, April 12, 2013

Growing Hops 2013

2012 Hops
Just planted 5 new rhizomes in my yard. Centennial x2, Chinook x 2 and Cascade. I dug a hole that was about 12 inches deep and filled with near equal parts of sand, potting soil and organic fertilizer. After one week the rhizomes have grown up through the soil (2 inches) and sprouted leaves. This rounds out my hop crop to the list below. Stars indicate amount of crop produced in 2012. Note my Sterling hop died in 2011 after one year.
Chinook Rhizome
  1. Cascade x 2 (*****)
  2. Zeus x 3 (****)
  3. Magnum x 2 (*)
  4. Chinook x 2  (new for 2013)
  5. Centennial x 2 (new for 2013)
  6. Willamette x 1 (***)

Notice the white dots on the rhizome. These I'm told by Thyme Garden are the rhizomes reaction to being too moister  These dots will disappear  when they are planted and start to grow in the ground. From the first signs of growth this week there seems to be nothing wrong with the rhizomes.

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