
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Motueka Plus Three - American IPA (Updated 2013/4/22)

Recipe here: Click here

Here's another one of my favorite Ales. A hoppy aroma and smooth full body beer. This beer is the first beer that I'm using viles of hop extract to replace the bittering hops I normally use. These viles are about the same price but without the debris in the boil and need for a hop bag.  Read below on how this turned out for bittering the beer.

The Boil and Fermentation  
With the low mash rate of 148 F the Carared and Crystal 15L added little. To minimize the trub from hops I've choosen to use hop extract from a syringe. I'm told that each syringe is equal to 2 oz of bittering hops at the 60 minute boil mark.  These cost about $1.50 each at BrewBros. The star of the show here are the hops. I've chosen four hops  toward the end of the boil for a more aroma and some flavour. Columbus, Simcoe, Centennial and NZ Motueka. These hops should deliver a full spectrum of fruit, pine and herbal qualities.

Dry hopped starting on April 14. 2 oz each of Simcoe, Citra and Columbus in primary. I choose these hops based on the experiment in the previous blog post. All were placed in a hop bags and hung using dental floss for 5 days. This was done after fermentation completed yet still in primary. I'm aiming for lots of pine and fruit aromas. I'm doing this for a shorter time period to hopefully get the qualities I want and not pick up any grassy quality. I've never had issues with 7 days of dry hopping before but if I can get all the good news I want in 5 days this will be my new method.

The Results

Hop Bitterness - mild bitterness. Adds to the smoothness with the hoppy beer. These viles present a neutral bitterness suitable for beers not know for their bitterness. This would work well in Ales and Guinness for example.

Hop Flavour - loads of flavour that fills the pallet. Grapefruit and hoppy flavours dominate.  

Hop Aroma - Wow! Soft citrus abounds. The Citra hop dominates but the combination of hops rounds this out nicely.   

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