
Friday, May 17, 2013

Boddingtons' Clone

Boddingtons' Clone (Recipe here)

Update - July 15/2013 - This beer although nice and creamy is very similar to the real thing. Which in this case is nothing interesting. Like many others out there, I find this beer has little taste and weak mouth feel. Nitro adds a nice creaminess but without malt flavour why bother. With everything I know about hops, it might be a waste to add hops as the aroma would get clobbered when pouring. 

When I made Guinness I was expecting that it would be difficult to clone. Who hasn't heard about how the Irish water and secret recipe makes something you just can't duplicate. What a load of sh*t. Guinness is one of the simplest beers I've made and I plan to make it again soon.  Boddingtons another popular nitrogen charged beers which I enjoy so guess what?

The recipe for Boddington's is just two malts. A british base malt and a little 55 Crystal for body and flavour. The hops are the same as many British Bitters and Guinness. This beer is that it is aiming for about 3.5% ABV. I achieved 3.1 with 6 pounds of base malt. The  beer final gravity (FG) is a very low 1.008. This means it low in calories. 

Dumped into the keg are fully nitro ready in 3 days with infuser stone. Blight white creamy head with  a very drinkable beer but lacks flavor. A bit tasteless. Reminds me of some of the review the original received. Next time mash at a higher temp to create body and add some flavor malts. 

I think my Irish red would be a treat on nitro. 

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