
Sunday, September 22, 2013


Sept 21, 2013
1/2 lb Carapils
1/2 lb Crystal 40
10 lb 2-Row

Mash 148
Sparge @165 to produce 7 gallons

OG 1.054
FG 1.019 (Sept 28) 4.7% so far
FG 1.012
ABV 5.2%
WLP051 Yeast
Chest Freezer set to 67 F for 10 days

1 oz Magnum 60 mins (store bought)
1 1/8 oz Cascade 15 mins ( backyard)

Dry hop 1oz Chinook and  1oz Willamette


  • Pitched yeast at 90F. Good fermentation during day 2. Yeast should add more flavours than WLP001. Claim is more fruitiness. Aiming for lite beer with lots of hop aroma.
  • Sept 28 - Lots of yeast produced and higher than normal foam on top. Nice all round with some nice bubble gum flavours. Slight sulfur smell to wort. I'll leave this for another week and raise the temp in the fridge to 68F.
  • Oct 6 - Cold crashed two days before to improve clarity. Dry hopped with whole hops from back yard. Zeus, Willamette and Chinook. About 1 oz each. 
  • Oct 13 - Bitterness is balanced. Aroma is very good. Nice light hoppy pale ale. Slightly more fruity yeast. 
  • Nov 4 - Great IPA. Cold crash really cleared this beer up. No yeast in the final product. Lite beer well balanced. Although this yeast worked out fine I still think WLP001 and WLP005 are better.

Golden Promise IPA

Aiming for a sweeter more refreshing lite style ale with 6% ABV. Brewing on a beautiful hot day. Not using the standard 2-row malt. This malt is supposed to be sweeter and lighter. Mashing for a full body beer. using two temperatures. This first is getting more fermentable sugars which will make it light, the second mash will get more non-fermentable sugars giving more body.

Mash Process

First Mash is 42 minutes @ 152F (Heated water to 161F), 5 gals, produces 3.25 gals
Second Mash 45 minutes @ 158F (Heated water to 164F), 3.1 gals, produced  3.1 gals
Wash Mash 2 minutes @ 170F (heated water to 170F), 2 gals, produces, produces 2 gals

Comments: OG of last mash was 1.008, still lots of pale colour. (see iPhone pic). Tastes smooth, hop-like-tea grabs the back of the mouth.

Mash Ingredients
  1. GR450, Malt - Carapils 0.65 lb
  2. GR515, Malt - Crystal 15L  0.50 lb
  3. GR355, Malt - Golden Promise (Scottish) 10 lbs
  4. Mash Hops 4 oz, Centennial 11% Alpha  whole hops, Jan 22-2011, smelled strong and nice
Wortz Boil
  1. Bring to boil (took about 30 mins)
  2. 45 minute boil

  1. 60 minute boil
    1. 60 mins left, 2 oz bittering Centennial  hops  (all hops from here are Columbus 14.4%Alpha)
    2. 20 mins left,   coil, tablet
    3. 15 mins left 2 oz flavour hops,
    4. 5 mins left 2 oz  aroma hops
  • Cool wort (OG forgot to take it)
    • Temp in house 65F-75F, keeping carboy cool with 4 wet yellow rags
  • Transfer to carboy (very brown, not as dark as photo shows)

  • Verify wort is cool for yeast then pitch yeast (Very Dark in colour, almost mocha in colour.)
    • WLP001, White Labs Yeast (California Ale)
  • Aug 9 - Dry hop 2 oz (added after 2 days in the carboy)
  • Aug 10 - Still fermenting quickly, temperature ranges from 67F to 74F so far. Out side is hitting 80F.
  • Aug 14 - Kegged 7 days after fermentation began. Filtered with hop bags and filled up a keg. First taste was not given a chance to carbonate and was very bitter and cloudy (to be expected)
  • Aug 16 - Second taste was still a bit cloudy and minor carbonation. Less bitter and very nice aroma. Taste very good. A lite style American IPA.
  • Aug 16 - 8 brix
  • Aug 26 - wonderful strong hoppy aroma. Sharp bitterness that cuts you thirst. Great body and redish dark colour. A bit cloudy due to not aging this ale.
  • Aug 25 - If I were to do this again I would add a bit of Crystal 40, use a less alpha bittering hops and dry hops a bit longer.
  • Sept 8 - beautiful beer. worth doing again with the following changes
    • .25 of bittering hops (very bitter brew)
    • bit more golden grain for greater ABV
    • bit more grain for a bigger head
  • Sept 11 - bitterness has tamed as is now a perfect Double IPA. Bit of a red colour.
  • Oct 2 - Finished Keg - make this again but with less bitterness!!!

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