
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Scottish Wee Heavy

Double IPA 10 Gallon
Jan 11, 2015

2-row          16. Act 33 lbs
40L.             1
Coffee.          5 oz
Special B.     1
Honey.          10 oz

Was unable to stuff 5 lbs of malt in mash tun so it's 33 lbs. 

Hop boil 

60 mins 2 oz German Magnum
30 mins HBC 342 1 oz 
30 mins Borthern Brewer 1 oz
20 mins simcoe 3 oz
10 mins  3/8 oz licorice root, 2.5 oz simcoe

Mash 153F
Sparge to produce 12 gallons

21 Brix. 1.087 OG
30 secs of O2
Wort 9.5 gallons
FG 1.025
8% ABV 

Jan 16 - large bucket 8 oz citra
Jan 16 - small bucket. No hops
Jan 24 - legged large bucket

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