
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Belgium Golden Ale - 10 gal All Grain 3/27/2015


8 oz Special B
8 oz Belgian Aromatic 
15 lb Belgian Pil
5 lb Castle Belgian Pale Malt


80 mins @ 152 

Yeast. Belgian Golden Ale. WLP570


2oz Magnum 60 mins
1 oz Willamette 20 mins
1 oz Magnum 20 mins


80 mins

OG 1.070

-Day 2. Using the conical I removed about a pint and a half of hop trub from the bottom. Good strong steady fermentation. 
-April 4 - Fermentation still happening. Pop every 4 seconds on the airlock. Dump all hops that settled to the bottom and a little dead yeast. Still a thick head of head on the beer. OG yesterday was 10 brix. 

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