
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Centennial Single Hop Ale

Centennial Single Hop Ale
Nov 25, 2016


Qty Lbs.    Names
10.              2-row
2.                20L


120 to 149 rising circulation 
1 Hr 149F
Sparge 170F
Yield 12.3 gals 

Boil 1 hr with hops added
Mins.                                      Ozs
60,58,56,54,47,45,43,40.     1 each
30,25,20,15.                            1 each
10.                                            4
FO.                                            2.25

OG. 1.059
FG.  1.007
ABV. 7.2%

Reused Irish Red Yeast. Started fast!

Kegged Dec 9
Enough for 4 growlers too!

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