
Sunday, November 5, 2017

West Coast Smash IPA - Aug 6/2017

This is a kit from Morebeer. This is a good hoppy brew but nothing special. The ingredients and the results are simple with no complexity.

Simcoe hops have a great profile but this was not a "oh my god, smell the hops brew". I would consider making this again if I could get fresh whole hops.


14 lbs California Select Malt - 2-row
1 oz Simcoe 60 mins
2 oz Simcoe 5 mins
2 oz Simcoe 1 min
2 oz Simcoe Dry hop for 5 days


122 F 60 mins rest
158 F 5 mins (accident)
149 F 60 mins


Brew Nutrients 1/2 tsp
Gypsum 1 tsp

OG 11.2 Brix (1.044)
No other measurements. Guessing this came to FG 1.010 (4.5%ABV)

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