
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lager - German Pils - July 20, 2013

Great Lager!

Part of the fun of brewing is the creative aspect. This lager has New Zealand hops. Southern Cross smells wonderful and I was a bit taken back that I was advised to use it as a bittering hop. I think next time I'll use Southern Cross as an aroma hops and see what happens. The Motueka hop is complex with a nice overall flavour.

Amt         Malts
10           German Pils
1             Carapils
1/2          German Caramel Pils

Mash 150F 90 mins and sparged at 165 to make 6 gallons

60 mins Southern Cross 1 oz
45 mins Motueka 1 oz
20 mins Motueka 1 oz
5 mins Southern Cross 1 oz

OG 1.052
FG 1.012 (?)
ABV 5.25%

Aug 11 gravity 1.025

This was a great beer and did not last long.

Yeast WLP830

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