
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lite Pils

Sunday Oct 27, 2013

Aiming for a 3-4% lager with lots of hop flavour and aroma. 

7lb Pilsner Malt
4 oz Munich Malt 
2 ozCaramel/Crystal Malt 

1 oz Hallertauer 4.90% (60 min) (W)
2 oz Saaz 3% (P) (10 min)
2 oz Glacier 5.1% (not fresh, W) (10 min)
2 oz Willamette 5.2% (P) (10 min)

Mash 150F 70 mins
Starge to make 6 gallons


Made 4.5 gallons
OG 8.5 Brix
FG 4 brix, hydrometer shows 1.010
ABV 4%


- Fermentation started fast at 80Fand then dropped over night to 55F in fridge
- Typical rotten egg smell on the 4th day of fermentation
- Three weeks into primary and the beer has settled down nicely. I think I'll lager for a few more weeks.
- Nov 12th, currently lagering in primary. Expected to keg on Dec 7th and drink during xmas.
- Nov 30. taste on kegging is full of body. Good stuff but only 4 gals. 

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