Saturday, September 28, 2013

Red Pale Ales

Red Pale Ales are my favorite Ales. The common ingrediant in all the beers below is Cara-red. I love this malt. Beers range from Pale Ales to  IPAs. All comments in red ink are my suggestions to how to improve me recipes and techniques.

  1. Red Ale with Wheat
  2. Dark Red 10 Gallon Brew
  3. Big Red Willy
  4. British Red
  5. Son of Hopsicle IPA

Red Ale with Wheat

July 7, 2013  

Aiming and archived a lighter red Pale Ale with hop aroma. The wheat was used for mouth feel which I would not do again since it made the beer cloudy. Honey rounded it out nicely. I would do this again with Carafoam or Carapils replacing the wheat. Mash at 153 to get more of the Carared flavor.

Amt  Malts
10     Golden Promise
1       White Wheat
1        Carared
1/2     Honey Malt

70 minute mash at 151F. Sparged to make 6 gallons. (next time make 7 gallons)

OG   1.052(?)
FG    1.018
ABV  4.46%

The Boil
60 mins Magnum 2 oz
20 mins Columbus 2 oz

Yeast Saf-5, one week primary at 67F
Secondary dry hopped with Citra that was left in the keg until finished. (July 20th)
Great beer! - (Aug 10th)

Dark Red 10 Gallon Brew
May 17, 2012

 10 Gallon batch 

This turned out great. Lots of body, flavour and with about 4 wks lagering was even better.

Malts                         Weight

Maris Otter                18 lbs
Black Roasted Barley 5 oz
Carared                     2 lbs
40 L                           1 lbs
60 L                           1 lbs
British 70/80               2 lbs

The Boil

Mins oz                  Description
60    4                      Fuggles
15    2                      First Golding UK
15    1                      Golding US
15   NA                   Coil, Tablet

Saf 04 Yeast at 68 for 7 days
Mash 152F
FG 1.024
OG 1.070?
ABV 5.5%
Big Red Willy
(Willamette Hops and CaraRed)
Saturday Jan 22, 2011
10 gallons

This is my second brew with Red Cara. My first was a 5 gal batch (first grain recipe ever for me, see Brew 1492 IPA). This one has more redcara as a percentage and is aiming to be a lower ABV beer. If the foam/head is not very good consider going back to flaked barley. (May 18, foam was excellent, don’t go back :) )

I’m using Willamette hops however these hops are not pungent like the ones I grew in my yard last year.

Carboy A has 4oz of dry hops versus 2 oz with carboy B.


  • 21 lb 2 row
  • wlp001 yeast
  • Malt - CaraFoam - 1 lb (mouth feel)
  • Malt - CaraRed - 2 lb (Flavour)


  • 1.0415 (shows 11%)
  • 1.0100 (shows 1.2%) Feb 3rd Carboy A

Estimated ABV 4.1%

Hop schedule (all whole)
  • 60 mins 2 oz Centenial
  • 45 mins 2oz Centenial
  • 30 mins 2oz Willamette
  • 20 mins 2 oz Willamette (coil, tablet)
  • 5 mins 2 oz Willamette

Carboy Dry hop setup
  • carboy a 4 oz dry hop
  • carboy b 2 oz dry hop

  • wort taste - smooth lite clean with lots of hop flavour but not too much.
  • Willamette hops (whole) did not seem very aromatic.
  • did 7/5/3 gals to make wort, next time (10gal =  5/5/5/3) (5gal = 5/3/3)
  • 7 gallons is have to pour/move
  • Next time circulate wort until clear before pouring in kettle
  • Jan 27 - fermentation has slowed down (63F to 69F), still has small head.
  • Feb 3 - aroma of caramel , smooth and good mouth feel, bit of and alcohol bite at the end
  • Feb 4 - ETA Bottling
  • Resting in closet and first drink will be in March.
  • Feb 25 - First taste from the fridge - crisp clean bitter and lite for a home brew. Hops favour did not come through.
  • march 7 - excellent mouth feel, nice bitter finish but still no will hop aroma. Nice lite IPA.
  • Refractor says 4.9 BRIX
  • March 19, Nice IPA (definitely not a IIPA) Good mouth feel, nice malty favour, faint hoppyness. A bit of an off flavour mid pallet. This could just be the hops aroma and not a bad thing. This is a beer better chilled.
  • May 18, This is a great lite Red IPA. The hops have solid bittering but I was hoping for more hop flavour. Next time flame out hops? Nice mouth feel however this is very lite and feel much like an English bitter from a mouth feel point of view. If I did this again I would focus on the hop aroma.

British Red

Aug 4, 2012

  • British Maris 2-Row 10 lbs
  • Crystal 40L ½ lbs
  • Crystal 60L ½ lbs
  • Black Roasted Barley 2 oz
  • Carared 1 lbs
  • British 70/80 1 lbs
  • Cascade 2 oz
  • Fuggle 2 oz

Batch Mash Schedule

Minutes         Gals          Temp (F)
65                  4.5              159
20                  2.2              150
5                    2.5              168

This produced 8.5 gals of wort

Hop Schedule - 90 min boil
Minute       Adjunct
60             Cascade
20             Fuggle, tablet, coil

Yeast Whitelabs 004 Irish


  • This turned out great but lacked a bit of bitterness and I think I added more than the 2 oz of Black Roasted Barley so there is more of this flavour in it. 
  • I would you a proper bittering hop next time and do a fuller hop for flavour next time but I would not add hops to the last 5 minutes or DH. I’ll leave that to the IPAs

Son of Hopsicle IPA - 5 Gallons
Saturday, March 26, 2011

1lb of hops, half used in dry hopping. Three flavour of malts used to create a rich head and a dark sweet malty flavour to balance with the heavy use of hops. High ABV target to maintain an overall aggressive full body beer.

Final product reminds me of a smooth Hopsicle. This is a great beer and I’ll make it again.



Malted Grains
Name Lbs
GR304 Malt - Rahr 2-Row 14
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L 0.5
GR452C Malt - CaraRed 1.0
Malt - Weyermen Cara Hell 1.0

Name Oz AA% Pellet / Whole
Willamette 8 4.8 P
Centenial 2 11.0 W
Willamette 4 5.1 W
Columbus 2 14.4 P

WLP001 White Labs Yeast (California Ale)


Name Oz Time Pellet / Whole
The Boil
Centenial 2 60 mins W
Centenial 2 40 mins W
Willamette 4 20 mins W
Dry Hop (in secondary carboy)
Willamette 6 8 days P
Columbus 2 8 days P


5 gallons h2o to 165F (24 mins time it took for boil)
2 gallons h2o to 170F

Description Amount Time Temp
H2O 5 gals 60 152F
H2O 3 gals 10 170F
Creates a wort of about 6.5 gallons

  1. Bring wort to rolling boil and reduce to 6.5 gals (then 30 min rolling boil)
  2. Start hop schedule
  3. 20 remaining add tablet and coil
  4. added 2 gallons of boiling water (next time sparge with 2 more gallons)
  5. Cool and transfer to Carboy (very sweet and dark)


Target Actual
OG 1.065 1.065
FG 1.15.         1.021
IBU 70 123
ABV 7%.    6.06
ABV (R) 7%.     9.5% reading at end of primary fermentation


Mar 27

Good fermentation head of one inch, very dark, clumps of sediment, steady bubbles in air lock
Mar 30

Placed in Fridge to ferment at a steady 65F
Apr 11

Moved wort to new carboy (minus the scum/yeast) and added dry hop pellets. Place back in Fridge at 65F (Columbus hops smelled strong and nice, Willamette was soft and nice)
Apr 11

Tasted it again!!! Maybe try whole hops (dry hopping) mouth with no off tastes. No hop aroma as expected.Darker than most colour
Apr 18

Poured this into a keg today with some of the dry hop scum. No worries it will settle to the bottom and pour out first. I’m so pleased with this batch. Heavy beautiful hop aroma. Beautiful mouth feel and nice balance of malt, hops and ABV. This will mellow a bit over the next week and will be ready to drink. CO2 set at 20 PSI.
Apr 23

Next time suggestions: Dry hop with whole hops to reduce sediment.
Apr 25

Bloody perfect beer. Smooth, great mouth feel malty and nice strong hop aroma and taste. Do this one again. Two weeks made a big difference with Hop Aroma!
June 5

Finished keg.

Beer would have been better if lagered/ conditioned to remove sediment.I think this would have been smoother with whole hops. Tough to lauger when it tastes so good.

Kolsch - high ABV

Kölsch Köln (Cologne) - German style

Style of this beer is much more hoppy and less bitter that German pale lagers. Not to be confused with Altbier which is fermented at a higher temperature than Kölsch and uses darker malts, more bittering hops, harder water which creates a nuttier, drier taste.

I was going after two new processes with this beer. 1) New lager Yeast at a higher temperature and 2) Lots of flavour malts in a lager. I've made outstanding lagers before with just base and carapils.

The results are amazing. This lager is my most flavourful and drinkable. Honey comes through along with lots of mouth feel. Very drinkable and full of body.

This fermented for 3 weeks then lagered for 3 week more in secondary (keg). It would have been better if it lagered for 5 weeks as the last few liters were the best.

Amt (lbs) Malt
  • 10 German Pils (base)
  • 6 Schill Kölsch Malt (base)
  • 1 Carapils
  • 1/2 German Munich
  • 1/2 Caravienne
  • 1/2 Honey Malt
  • Added water to mash to get the following mash temperatures and duration.
  • 60 min 148F
  • 30 min 156F
  • 10 min 168F

Sparged at 170 F out to make 7 gallons

Yeast - WLP029 Kolsch yeast (65 - 69F)

Hops added
  • 1 oz 60 mins Hallertauer
  • 2 oz 15 mins Saaz

OG 1.062?
FG 1.012
ABV 6.56%

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Sept 21, 2013
1/2 lb Carapils
1/2 lb Crystal 40
10 lb 2-Row

Mash 148
Sparge @165 to produce 7 gallons

OG 1.054
FG 1.019 (Sept 28) 4.7% so far
FG 1.012
ABV 5.2%
WLP051 Yeast
Chest Freezer set to 67 F for 10 days

1 oz Magnum 60 mins (store bought)
1 1/8 oz Cascade 15 mins ( backyard)

Dry hop 1oz Chinook and  1oz Willamette


  • Pitched yeast at 90F. Good fermentation during day 2. Yeast should add more flavours than WLP001. Claim is more fruitiness. Aiming for lite beer with lots of hop aroma.
  • Sept 28 - Lots of yeast produced and higher than normal foam on top. Nice all round with some nice bubble gum flavours. Slight sulfur smell to wort. I'll leave this for another week and raise the temp in the fridge to 68F.
  • Oct 6 - Cold crashed two days before to improve clarity. Dry hopped with whole hops from back yard. Zeus, Willamette and Chinook. About 1 oz each. 
  • Oct 13 - Bitterness is balanced. Aroma is very good. Nice light hoppy pale ale. Slightly more fruity yeast. 
  • Nov 4 - Great IPA. Cold crash really cleared this beer up. No yeast in the final product. Lite beer well balanced. Although this yeast worked out fine I still think WLP001 and WLP005 are better.

Golden Promise IPA

Aiming for a sweeter more refreshing lite style ale with 6% ABV. Brewing on a beautiful hot day. Not using the standard 2-row malt. This malt is supposed to be sweeter and lighter. Mashing for a full body beer. using two temperatures. This first is getting more fermentable sugars which will make it light, the second mash will get more non-fermentable sugars giving more body.

Mash Process

First Mash is 42 minutes @ 152F (Heated water to 161F), 5 gals, produces 3.25 gals
Second Mash 45 minutes @ 158F (Heated water to 164F), 3.1 gals, produced  3.1 gals
Wash Mash 2 minutes @ 170F (heated water to 170F), 2 gals, produces, produces 2 gals

Comments: OG of last mash was 1.008, still lots of pale colour. (see iPhone pic). Tastes smooth, hop-like-tea grabs the back of the mouth.

Mash Ingredients
  1. GR450, Malt - Carapils 0.65 lb
  2. GR515, Malt - Crystal 15L  0.50 lb
  3. GR355, Malt - Golden Promise (Scottish) 10 lbs
  4. Mash Hops 4 oz, Centennial 11% Alpha  whole hops, Jan 22-2011, smelled strong and nice
Wortz Boil
  1. Bring to boil (took about 30 mins)
  2. 45 minute boil

  1. 60 minute boil
    1. 60 mins left, 2 oz bittering Centennial  hops  (all hops from here are Columbus 14.4%Alpha)
    2. 20 mins left,   coil, tablet
    3. 15 mins left 2 oz flavour hops,
    4. 5 mins left 2 oz  aroma hops
  • Cool wort (OG forgot to take it)
    • Temp in house 65F-75F, keeping carboy cool with 4 wet yellow rags
  • Transfer to carboy (very brown, not as dark as photo shows)

  • Verify wort is cool for yeast then pitch yeast (Very Dark in colour, almost mocha in colour.)
    • WLP001, White Labs Yeast (California Ale)
  • Aug 9 - Dry hop 2 oz (added after 2 days in the carboy)
  • Aug 10 - Still fermenting quickly, temperature ranges from 67F to 74F so far. Out side is hitting 80F.
  • Aug 14 - Kegged 7 days after fermentation began. Filtered with hop bags and filled up a keg. First taste was not given a chance to carbonate and was very bitter and cloudy (to be expected)
  • Aug 16 - Second taste was still a bit cloudy and minor carbonation. Less bitter and very nice aroma. Taste very good. A lite style American IPA.
  • Aug 16 - 8 brix
  • Aug 26 - wonderful strong hoppy aroma. Sharp bitterness that cuts you thirst. Great body and redish dark colour. A bit cloudy due to not aging this ale.
  • Aug 25 - If I were to do this again I would add a bit of Crystal 40, use a less alpha bittering hops and dry hops a bit longer.
  • Sept 8 - beautiful beer. worth doing again with the following changes
    • .25 of bittering hops (very bitter brew)
    • bit more golden grain for greater ABV
    • bit more grain for a bigger head
  • Sept 11 - bitterness has tamed as is now a perfect Double IPA. Bit of a red colour.
  • Oct 2 - Finished Keg - make this again but with less bitterness!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Best Bitters

Below are my attempts at Best Bitter. This beer is characterized as a low to no carbonated room temperature (62F) beer that is very drinkable. The very first beer I did was Morebeer's extract Best Bitter which was a huge success. However since then I have not been able to replicate a Best Bitter to my satisfaction using all grain recipes. Red ink below suggest areas I made mistakes.

Tetley Bitter clone - TBD

Style: 4A Ordinary Bitter
Method: Infusion Mash
Min Recipe Max
O.G. 1.030 1.037 1.038
T.G. 1.008 1.009 1.013
Alc % 3 3.6 3.8
I.B.U.20 25.8 40
S.R.M.6 8.4 14
  • 4.4 kgs Pale Ale Malt (MASH)
  • 1 kgs Flaked Barley (MASH)
  • 600 g Brown Sugar (EXTRACT)
  • 80 g Chocolate (MASH)
  • 200 g Crystal 80L (MASH)
45 g Pilgrim 9% BOIL 90 minutes
25 g Northdown 7% FINISHING 15 minutes
20 g Northdown 7% DRY minutes
Boil Time: 90 minutes

Mashing Procedure:
Mash Efficienc80%
Add 14.20 litres of water at 75 C to heat mash to 66 C (151F)
Sparge with 41 litres of water to yield 40.00 litres to primary
Water Absorbed by Grain: 5.68 litres
Water Evaporated during boil: 15.00 litres
Notes: Yeast, Safale SO4 pitched dry

bierhaus15's  Best Bitter


Recipe Type: All Grain

Yeast: WY1968 London ESB
Yeast Starter: Yes
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.5
Original Gravity: 1.040
Final Gravity: 1.009
IBU: 28
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Color: 9.0
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 21 days@ 65-68F with diacetyl rest
Tasting Notes: Perfect balance of rich malt, biscuit and floral hops with a smooth bitterness

My original intention was to create an ordinary/special bitter that best represented the cask bitters I had while traveling around England. Something that was complex, full flavored and malty, yet light enough to have three or four pints and still be able to play darts. Well, after three years of tinkering with recipes and many more batches, I finally have a bitter I am 100% happy with. This beer is named after the pub where I had my first “proper” pint of British ale. I brew this about once a month – it goes fast!

Amount Item Type % or IBU

7.00 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (3.0 SRM) Grain 87.00 %
0.50 lb Home Toasted Malt (25.0 SRM) Grain 6.00 %
0.32 lb Carmel/ Crystal (45.0 SRM) Grain 4.00 %
0.25 lb Caramel/Crystal (120.0 SRM) Grain 3.00 %

1.50 oz Goldings, East Kent [4.50 %] (60 min) Hops 25.0 IBU
0.50 oz Goldings, East Kent [4.50 %] (10 min) Hops 3.0 IBU
1.00 oz Goldings, East Kent [4.50 %] (flame out) Hops 0.0 IBU
1.00 oz Goldings, East Kent [4.50 %] (Dry Hop 4-5 days)

WY1968 or WY1275 yeast

Mash at 154F for 60 min.
Whirlfloc for last 10 min of boil


For the toasted malt: Spread pale malt on baking pan and toast in a 300F oven for 15 – 20 minutes, turning frequently. You will know it’s ready when it tastes just like cheddar goldfish. I let my toasted malt age for a minimum of 1 week before use, as to prevent grainy flavors. Victory would be an ‘ok’ sub, though you get a better result with the homemade stuff.
I found a shorter dry hop provided a nice floral aroma while still allowing the malt and yeast aromas to shine through. A longer dry hop is fine, though it can throw the balance off if left too long.
Carbonate to 2.0-2.2 volumes, drink within two month of bottling/kegging. 

Alternative Yeasts

First Gold - Pleasant herbal, orange-y aroma/flavor, not too strong, does very well in paler bitters and golden ales. Smooth bitterness.

Styrian Goldings - Slovenian fuggles; has a light citrus, spicy, and earthy character. Great for late hopping, blends well with other UK hops... EKG especially.

Challenger - Bright orange and marmalade when used in large quantities, otherwise herbal, fruity, clean, and bright. Clean bitterness. Makes a very nice English bitter as a stand alone hop. Similar to EKG.

Bramling Cross - Nice mix of citrus (lemon) and earthy fruitiness. Often described as blackcurrant, I get more of an herbal "berry" thing. Under-used hop.

Brewers Gold - Not UK, but very similar in flavor. Bright citrus, some tropical fruit, herbal... like a mix between a tropical-fruity American hop and UK one.

Soverign - A lot like a more floral version Fuggles. Herbal, clean, pleasant, and earthy.

That should give you some ideas... and if you're going to use UK hops, you really should just use them for your bittering addition too.

Jim DeShields' Best Bitter


I asked on TastyBrew's forum for a great Best Bitter Recipe and this is what I got. I plan to do this Bitter in January/February.

OG 1.042
FG 1.011
IBU 39
ABV 4.0 %


Boil Volume 6.25 gallons
Batch Size 5 gallons
Yeast 75% AA
Efficiency 82%

Style Comparison

                   Low     High
OG 1.039   1.042   1.045
FG 1.009   1.011    1.014
IBU 20       39         45
SRM 6       6           14
ABV 3.7    4.0        4.8


% Weight Weight (lbs) Grain Gravity Points Color
88.9 % 6.00 British Two-row Pale 37.4 3.0
3.7 % 0.25 Flaked Corn 1.6 0.0
3.7 % 0.25 British Crystal 50-60L 1.4 2.8
3.7 % 0.25 Caramel 1.4 0.3 6.75 41.8


% Wt Weight (oz) Hop Form AA% AAU Boil Time Utilization IBU
28.6 % 0.50 Target Whole/Plug 11.5 5.8 60 0.267 23.0
28.6 % 0.50 Challenger Whole/Plug 7.5 3.8 30 0.205 11.5
14.3 % 0.25 East Kent Goldings Whole/Plug 5.0 1.3 20 0.162 3.0
14.3 % 0.25 East Kent Goldings Whole/Plug 5.0 1.3 5 0.053 1.0
14.3 % 0.25 East Kent Goldings Whole/Plug 5.0 1.3 DH 0.000 0.0 1.75 38.6

Old Speckled Hen

Aug 25, 2013 (Sunday) 5 gallons

The recipe is based loosely on the clone recipe from Clownbrews. Still searching for my perfect Best Bitter recipe. This is not it. I ended up carbonating this beer and I would consider it a good Pale Ale. Mellow and easy to drink but nothing special.

OG 1.051-53
FG 1.010-12
5.2 % ABV

7.75 lbs Maris Otter
12 oz  55L Crystal
4 oz White wheat malt
1/2 lb cane sugar (skipped this time)

Mashed @ 150 for 60 mins
Mashed out with 165F to make 6.5 gallons

1 oz Fuggle @ 60 mins
1 oz Fuggle, 1 oz KG @ 14 mins
1 oz KG @ 1 min

Pitched yeast, Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale @ 90F. Worked out well (again).

OG 1.046
FG 1.010 (Sept 3rd)
ABV 4.8%

Primary for 10 days at 65F. 

Aged for 3 weeks in keg at 40F.


  • Turned into a Pale Ale that I improved with carbonation. Still not the Best Bitter I'm looking for yet a good Pale Ale.

Best Bitter

Dec 5, 2012

Mashed too high with a thermometer that was not calibrated. This resulted in a high FG. A very filling beer with lots of flavour. This did not have the consistency and drinkability of what I expect from a Bitter.

Milled Barley

Lbs. Description
1. Carastan (next time 1/2 lb) substituted this time with Carapils 1/2 lb
9. British Pale, 2-row, Maris Otter
4 oz 50/60 malt British (next time)


Oz. Name
2.    US Fuggle. (AA 4.2%, Beta 3.4%)
2.    US Golding (AA 4.9%, Beta 2.6%)

Mash (in 15 gallon thermos)
Start 166F, End 161F, 1 hr 4 gallons (too high, should have been 154F)
Start 163F 1:10 pm


Mins. Amount. Description
60. 1 oz. US Fuggle
50. 1 oz. US Fuggle
30. 1 oz. US Golding
20. Coil, tablet, (next time Burton salts (2 teaspoons))
FO. 1 oz. US Golding

OG 1.048 (estimate)
FG 1.033

Kent Golding’s BEST BITTER

Nov 26, 2011

This is my third try after Best Bitter in Oct 2008. Using Morebeer Extract kit (which was great) and my last try (Oct 2011) to make this better bitter best.- Target OG 1.039-045, FG 1.009-014, low aroma.

Resulted in a nice pale ale but still no Best Bitter. The serch goes goes on. I think the issue here is a lack for hops with flavour and no flavour malts.


  • 1 vile White Labs #23 
  • 6 oz Kent Golding hops 
  • 4#s 2-row milled 
  • 3#s Golden promise 
  • 2#s British Maris 
  • 1# Carapils 
  • 0.5# Carastan 
Mash (batch style)

4 gals 150F H20 60 mins - temp too low :-(
3 gals 158F H20 10 mins
3 gals 161F H20 2 mins


90 mins

60 mins Kent Golding 2oz
30 mins Kent Golding 2 oz
20 mins Copper coil and whirfloc

10 mins Burton Water Salts - 2 tsp
5 mins Kent Golding 2 oz


Cool & transfer to carboy
Pitch yeast when wort is below 80F
Maintain 68F to 72F until FG 1.011 plus two days.
Kept a head until Dec 8th. Slow steady fermentation.
Kegged on Dec 10th with low carbonation (PSI 2)


Pub fare - bitter & slightly sweet, amber tint. Served warm (60F) and lightly carbonated.

ALL-GRAIN RECIPE 5.5 Gallons - Oct 5th 2011

In Bottle (flip top)


1 vile White Labs 002 English yeast (#23 last brew)
8 # British Pale Malt - milled
1 # British Crystal 50/60 - milled
3 oz Willamette
1 tsp Burton Water Salts
1 tbt Whirfloc tablet


Add both malts
3 gals 153F H20 60 mins
3 gals 169F H20 Mash out
3 gals 169F H20 Mash out

Note: Malt absorption and boil time will bring this to 6 gals


70 mins rapid boil for 10 mins
60 mins add Burton Water Salts
45 mins add Willamette (sub: Fuggles)
20 mins add copper coil and whirfloc tablet
10 mins add ⅝ of Willamette
Flame out add ½ of Willamette


Cool & transfer to carboy
Pitch yeast when wort is below 80F
Maintain 65F to 68F until FG 1.011 plus two days.

More Beer Kit - Best Bitter 

Extract Brew - 5 Gallons

This was my first ever Brew and my best Best Bitter to date.(Dec 2, 2013)

Malt Extracts / Additions: 

 6 lbs Ultralight Malt Extract 
.5 lbs Light DME

Steeping Grain: 

Use a grain bag. Add to water immediately. Remove steeping grain at 170F 
8oz Carastan 


1 oz Kent Goldings
1.5 oz Northern Brewer 
1 oz Kent Goldings 

Wort Clarifying Treatment: 
Clarifier – Whirlfloc (Use ½ - 1 Tablet) - Add last 5 minutes of the boil 

Add to the last 5 minutes of the boil (improves beer clarity 
Priming Sugar added at Bottling: 
4 oz Corn Sugar – Boil with 2 cups of water for 5 minutes 

Specific Recipe Information: 

Estimated MoreBeer! Ranges

Estimated original gravity (OG): 1.042-45 

Estimated SRM: 7 
Estimated IBU’s: 26-29 
Estimated alcohol ABV %: 4 
Suggested fermentation temperature: 68