2 lbs Flaked Barley
2 lbs Carared
1 lb Peated Malt
60 mins Carared and Peet Malt 155F
60 mins 2 Row 151F (leave above malts in mash for a total of 120 mins)
60 mins Magnum 1 oz
20 mins E. Kent Golding 2 oz
Irish Wyeast Yeast
Serve on nitro
OG 1,056. 6 gallons
FG 1.010 5 gals 2 pints
6% ABV
Nov. 8 - Mar 28 - very successful and interesting nitro beer. I replaced the black roasted barley with carared and peat malt. Aroma and flavour changed from stinky french cheese to smoky peat. Mouth feel and body was perfect. Very creamy. Peat took a bit of time to mature and come through.
Next time I would replace the black roasted barley with a mixture of black and biscuit malts and aim for a complex flavour.